FAQ Category: Accident FAQs

What doctor appointments do I need to go to after an accident?

Every recommended appointment and follow-up after your initial observation. If you skip an appointment, you are effectively saying you don’t really need the medical attention, and that can undermine your case. Setup events and reminders in your calendar and plan accordingly so you can make your appointments.

Should I go see a doctor after an accident?

Yes! If you need to go to the Emergency Room, then please do so! What is important is that you visit a doctor as soon as possible after the accident. Your primary care provider or an orthopedic doctor are viable options, as long as they can fully examine you and…

What do I do if the at-fault driver leaves after the accident?

First of all, do not try to follow or chase the other car. Do your best to remember the following: Their license plate number, A description of the driver, and the color, make, and model of the car Call the police and describe the at-fault drivers info on the phone. Then seek…

What should I do after an accident?

Your safety (and that of your loved ones) is your top priority after an accident. There are a number of actions you should take in order to get safe, stay safe, and protect yourself. These include: Move to safety (if you are able) Get help from local law enforcement (do…