Case Results
$1.25 Million
Our client was an 18-year-old passenger in a pick-up truck driving down a dirt road. The driver lost control of the truck, swerved, and crashed head-first into a tree. Our client suffered horrific injuries, including a spiral fracture to his leg, a fractured knee cap, and lacerations across his head. He was knocked unconscious and pulled from the vehicle just before it burst into flames and was life-flighted to Grady hospital. Through our firm’s help, we were able to recover the maximum amount of insurance coverage available.
$1.2 Million
Acquisition and Construction financing for local builder.
$1.1 Million
Acquisition and Renovation refinancing for building in downtown Woodstock.
$1.0 Million
T-Bone Motor Vechicle Accident With Smaller Property Damage
Our client was driving his pick-up truck in Douglas County, Georgia when a commercial truck ran through a stop sign and t-boned his vehicle off the road and into a ditch. The impact caused serious injuries to his neck, and ultimately resulted in him having a cervical fusion surgery. The at-fault insurance claimed that our client injuries were not related as he was an older gentleman who performed manual labor all of his life and had degeneration throughout his neck. We were able to obtain doctor testimony that refuted these claims and get the case resolved.
In 2020, our client was sitting at a red-light just outside the Bridge Mill subdivision in Canton, GA when she noticed an ambulance driving down Bells Ferry road in the opposite direction from her. The ambulance approached the intersection facing a red light. At that same time, a Hyundai sedan was exiting the subdivision on a green light. The ambulance failed to slow or stop to confirm he could proceed forward into the intersection through the red light and the Hyundai t- boned the ambulance as it passed through the intersection. The impact caused the 10,000 lb ambulance to drift left where it struck my client’s vehicle head-on at an estimated 30 mph. We brought claims against both the ambulance and Hyundai. We resolved the case after mediation with the at-fault driver. However, the ambulance carrier continued to fight us. We obtained email correspondence related to the driver’s training and discovered that he had over eight written reports of him violating the safety policy of slowing and stopping at red lights before proceeding through them. Eight times this driver had been warned to not “blow through” red lights, yet he continued to be allowed to operate the 10,000 lb vehicle. Following a Supreme Court decision on governmental immunity, we were able to get the case resolved.
On one sunny day in 2018, our client went for a stroll in his neighborhood. The neighborhood did not contain sidewalks, so he walked on the left-hand side of the road near the drain line. While walking, a young female driver swerved so far into the left-hand side that her tires were on the grass. She struck our client from behind where he was tossed onto the glass then fell onto the pavement. With our help, we were able to track down a ring video of the incident and confirm that the girl was on the wrong side of the road when she struck our client. We recovered the full limits of coverage.
Our client, a young PT student studying in Savannah, Georgia, was a front-seat passenger in a ford truck driving near Augusta when an individual turned left in front of the car she was riding in. As a result of the crash, our client's right arm and right pinky were fractured. She needed multiple surgeries to repair the damage to her and also had plates and screws implanted. Liability remained disputed between the two drivers. Our office brought claims against both parties, one for failing to yield and one for driving too fast. As a result, we obtained the full liability coverages from both carries, as well as our clients’ full coverage from her underinsured motorist coverage.
SBA 7A financing for acquisition of convenience store in Tennessee.