Practice Area Category: Personal Injury


On one sunny day in 2018, our client went for a stroll in his neighborhood. The neighborhood did not contain sidewalks, so he walked on the left-hand side of the road near the drain line. While walking, a young female driver swerved so far into the left-hand side that her…


In 2018, our client, a welder, was working at a job site re-routing gas pipe lines. The site was controlled as our client continued with his weld when a 3rd party decided to turn the gas on. The result caused the gas pipe to turn into a flame thrower and…


Settlement for premises liability case.


Loranda S. was injured in Paulding County when the defendant pulled out in front of her as she was driving down Atlanta Highway. We obtained a recovery of all available insurance.


Jacob S. was riding his motorcycle in Macob-Bibb County when an individual turned left in front of him causing Jacob to lay the bike down. Defendants denied liability for the crash, claiming Jacob was traveling too fast. Through our investigation and hard work, we obtained witness statements and videos showing…


Janice H. was injured in Pickens County when the Defendant turned out in front of her. The Defendnat only carried $50,000.00 in insurance. We were able to obtain a recovery over the policy limits when the Defendant’s insurance failed to settle the case on time.